Sunday, December 18, 2011

Worth the effort!

In the past week, I have had some friends and family members approach me with some concerns.  They worry for my safety and mental well being.  I have assured them that my safety is not in question and that I am a big girl and can handle the verbal barbs that are being thrown at me.  One thing that stood out for me though, was when my daughter asked me if what I was doing was worth the effort.  The more I pondered this question, the more it motivated me.  If you look back in history, many people have changed the world by taking on issues that the masses would not or could not.  Jesus preached on the mountain top, was jeered, castigated, betrayed, and crucified.  Nelson Mandela went to prison for being an activist, and that didn't stop him from ending apartheid.  Rosa Parks just wanted to sit in the back of the bus, and her actions spearheaded the civil rights movement.
As you can see, the right actions and efforts are not always the most popular or understood.  So to answer the question of, "is it worth the effort"?  Absolutely it is!

Please join me and help spread the word at @BobbisAngels on Twitter.

Today's Angel of the day.  He's fighting mad to end the bullying of babies!


  1. Actually I think he's ticked cuz that sand he just ate doesn't taste very good and Mom wanted to take a pic instead of stopping him from eating the sand (or anything else, it appears)

  2. It's encouraging that you are taking up an important cause like this instead of something less meaningful like starving children around the world

  3. Mopping the floor as a high school janitor changes the world more than what you're doing here.

  4. My Child,

    I would support you, but you have:

    -Wished a man's children have Mental Retardation
    -Compared this to the Penn State Sandusky Sex abuse
    -Compared calling babies ugly to crimes like child abuse, rape, drunk driving.
    -Compared yourself to Mandela, Rosa Parks, and me.

    Even I think you are nuts.

  5. I don't think they were worried about your mental health because of what people are saying about you... You aren't changing the world, you're just making your family think you're mentally unstable more.

  6. That kid is not mad, he is EATING SAND.

  7. Hmmmm, I always thought Rosa Parks didn't want to sit in the back of the bus. Guess I learned something today.

  8. I never said this situation was like the Penn State scandal, someone else did. I responded that just because one crime is greater than the other, it doesn't make the lesser one less of a crime. I used the same analogy with drunk driving and rolling a stop sign. Yes one is a greater crime, but both are still illegal.
    I never compared myself personally to Nelson Mandela, Jesus Christ, or Rosa Parks, I just pointed out that we all undertook unpopular issues.

    You people need to start learning how to actually read AND comprehend what I am saying, not just what you want to believe. I am getting really tired of defending these facts, which I have had to do over and over.

    At least I am undertaking something to make our society a more wholesome place! What are you doing? From what I can tell here, most of you are just wasting your lives.

  9. What a cute pic! Where did you get that little nugget?

  10. Oh thank you! I get most of the pictures from searches on the internet, on occasion from a friend or family member.

  11. I forgot to mention in my blog post that I have stopped taking my medication. I have been deemed clinically insane by 3 psychologists and have been prescribed lithium. However, I feel like the medicine was only restricting my mind, and I have since begun the undertaking of cleansing the world of humans who call babies ugly, please join me in my undertaking. Because every baby is beautiful.

  12. That's "Success Kid."

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. "Parks just wanted to sit in the back of the bus, and her actions spearheaded the civil rights movement."

    - This is why people cannot have nice things.

  15. Bobbi, do you do this because you're allergic to cats?

  16. if this kid in the picture could talk, he would be saying "hey bobbi, make like a straw and suck it. leave cyborg and poundHassel alone."
