Saturday, December 10, 2011

Of all the nerve!!!

The baby hating piece of dog refuse known as Chris Hassel has called me criminally insane on twitter.  I guess he not only hates babies, but people that adore them as well.
I assure you Chris, that the management at WHO will be hearing about this from numerous people who are fed up with your childish and disgusting behavior!

Just look at this creep!  Makes me want to gouge my eyes out and give up on humanity!

Please follow me on Twitter at @BobbisAngels to help my campaign to get rid of this baby hating monster.

Bobbi D


  1. The babies are cute and all, but what is your obsession over Chris Hassel about? This is a very strange blog.

  2. Chris Hassel started an Ugly Baby of the Day feature on Needless to say I was disgusted by this and have started a campaign to get that baby hating monster fired.
    All babies are beautiful in their own unique way!

    Please follow me on Twitter @BobbisAngels

    Thank you for your support!

    Bobbi D


  3. You should really rename this the Fire Chris Hassel blog. Babies are a very small part of it next to your obsession with him.
