Friday, December 23, 2011

God Loves Every Baby!!!

According to my daughter's friend, Keith Murphy and Chris Hassel were on the radio today talking about babies, and Keith said, "God don't like ugly"!  What is wrong with these people?  They are sports reporters, yet they cannot seem to talk about sports, preferring to make fun of defenseless babies!
God has NEVER made an ugly baby, and he NEVER will!  Unfortunately, many of these beautiful babies will grow up to be ugly adults in our ever growing disgusting culture.  
I will continue to stand up against bullying babies.  Please follow me at @BobbisAngels and join my crusade.  Also follow Tana Goertz at @HeyTana who is also on an end bullying mission.

Oh and Keith, you are right.  God don't like ugly, ugly adults that is.

Now for a some Christmas Angels!


  1. Even Anne Geddes would recoil in mild horror at these three. And she would call you a looney for thinking otherwise.

  2. Why do you post pictures of ugly babies? That's not very nice of you
