Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh for the love of babies!

In the past few days I have been threatened with legal actions based on nothing more than my expression, which is guaranteed by the first amendment.  My opinion that Chris Hassel should be fired has been met with numerous  attacks on me that have called me, crazy, bat shit crazy, clinically insane, and the like.  While I do respect the opinions of others, I will say that I believe many of these opinions come from Chris Hassel himself and probably friends of his.  Not a one has decried his distaste and loathing for defenseless babies!
My husband and his brother (a lawyer) have assured me that I have no legal ramifications.  I have said this before, and I will continue to shout this from the mountain top, making fun of innocent children is despicable and I will not watch it and silently stand by!

Sell your legal issues down the road Mr. Hassel and Mr. Borg, I've got innocence on my side!

These are the despicable human beings I speak of;

Now for an Angel!  This Angel is bound to be Miss America!

Bobbi D



  1. Well I'm glad to know that your lawyer friend made sure to remind you that you were guaranteed due process, could not be tried for the same crime twice, could refuse to answer questions that would incriminate you, nor can the government take your property without due process... Though I don't see how any of those apply to this blog.... Did your lawyer friend perhaps mean to tell you about the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech, among others, or is there no lawyer friend really?

  2. The 5th Amendment thing should once again make us question whether or not this is a real person.

  3. Bobbi D. Why are you so mad? Were you an ugly baby that turned into an ugly person? The world needs ugly people and babies to make us laugh.

  4. While the baby in the pic is beautiful, not sure why you would want to punish her with the lifetime of pagent hell that is involved to become a brainless beauty queen.

  5. I used to organize and run baby pageants, and I can tell you that the babies absolutely loved it! They love to dress up and pose for the camera, and they didn't take it too serious. The parents, well that's a whole other story.

  6. Please forgive me, I typed in fifth instead of first. I guess you people are perfect, and have never made a mistake. Must be nice!

  7. I don't believe for a second that you typed fifth instead of first. I do believe you were responsible for such abominations as Toddlers in Tiaras (I think that's the name of it at least, I see ads for it and it makes me lose all faith in humanity, kind of like Bobbi D, only on TV).

  8. I love the kids on TnT, not the parents so much. I did mistype, and do not believe for a second that I care what you think!

    Bobbi D

  9. The baby is already throwing up regularly, guess pagent contestant would be a natural...
