Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why do grown men bully babies?

In the past few weeks, I have noticed that the majority of people that are continuing to make fun of babies and slinging mud at me, are grown men.  Most notably, 3 local media members, Chris Hassel, Zach Borg, and Andy Fales.

Chis Hassel
Andy Fales
Zach Borg

Bullying tends to come from the inner insecurities in our lives and is a way to cope with them.  Bullies may feel inadequate due to looks, lack of financial security, unstable emotional relationships, and the like.  Men tend to internalize these issues and it comes out in the form of anger and directed at people that cannot defend themselves.  It would then make sense that babies would be a logical target for these cretins to lash out at.
I say it's time for us to band together and stand up and say that this IS NOT acceptable!  There are other ways to get rid of your inner demons.  Get therapy, take anti anxiety drugs, or buy a punching bag, but LEAVE BABIES ALONE!!!
So now we know what causes this atrocious behavior, now lets do something about it before one more baby falls victim!

Let's all take a deep breath and check out another one of Bobbi's Angels!

Breath buttercup, breath!

Bobbi D



  1. the baby in this picture is saying "i'm holding my breath at the bottom of this here pool until you leave cyborg and poundHassel alone. Even if it kills me"

  2. A note to you Bobbi: this is an article you might want to read ->

  3. Anonymous #1, no baby would ever think that. Also, Chris and Zach are grown men, they have the ability to defend themselves. Babies do not!

    Anonymous #2, That article does not apply to me. How am I telling lies or misrepresenting the truth? The truth is, I am not.

  4. That looks like the girlfriend of the not so well hung baby that I put on the cover for my Nevermind album.

  5. ahhh inability to understand a joke that even a baby would get, the proof of an underdeveloped mind.
