I also will not be mentioning the following names, all baby haters as well,
Michael Graham
JT The Nutt
Jesse Gavin
Sarah B
Jake Smith
Zach Borg
Alisa Who
J Mueller
Shawn Terrell
Alan Brommel
Andrew Downs
Kim Johnson
Jeff S
Now lets get back to some angels.
This guy is ready to rock and roll! Probably listening to Peter Frampton's Baby I Love Your Way...LOL!!!
Bobbi D
Soooo....on the day where Jerry Sandusky goes to trial while another Iowa man is convicted of sexual assault against a 2 year old your still calling some nobody who said a baby photo was ugly a monster? Way to make a difference--meantime why don't you step outside your glass house and go volunteer at a battered womens shelter or rape crisis management center to see what real monsters are and maybe do some actual good
ReplyDeleteHow on earth do you know what I do and do not do in my life to make a difference? The two cases you discuss have been covered greatly in the media. What difference would it make if I commented on that? At least what I am doing is making people aware of this very public person's abhorrent actions.
ReplyDeleteYou can disagree with my assertion that he is a monster or disgusting, but it is my opinion, and many others agree with me. Might I remind you that he has called me clinically insane, which is his opinion, even though I can assure you it isn't true.
Aware of what? You really think your the first person to call for his firing? Even if you could get him fired (which you can't because most people don't have as strong a reaction to it as you) if there's one thing he's guilty of its probably stealing someone elses material since he clearly got those pics off ugly baby photo websites. You're not making a difference b/c the real sources of the photos will keep posting them. He mentioned it in 3 blog posts (probably b/c he got a rise out of pissing some people off). There are ENTIRE sites devoted to it. Your not even going after the real problems that spread the photos on a daily basis!
ReplyDeleteIf, as you say, I am not making a difference, then why do you care? Anytime people try and do right in this world, they will be met with a negative force. You are living proof of this fact.
ReplyDeleteTell yourself that the next time you wish for a person to be sterile, have retarded kids or tell someone who disagrees with you to go to hell
ReplyDeleteYou and I are adults and we can defend ourselves, babies cannot! Figure out the difference you dim bulb!
ReplyDeleteBabies also can't comprehend any of this. Did you meet a kid scarred for life because somebody said they were ugly as an infant? Its not going to hurt them if some guy says their ugly, much less on an internet blog that they'll never read by the tine they can actually read, much less look like they did as babies the rest of their lives. Besides which, who cares? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So what if one guy sayss a baby photo is ugly?
ReplyDeleteDear Spelling Champ,
ReplyDeleteWell thankfully, most babies will receive a better education than you did.
Bobbi D
Wow, you are resorting to spelling errors? Last resort of a person whose logic is failing them and is running out of answers. Still next to comparing what calling a baby ugly to rape its probably the most intelligent thing you've said in a while.